Prince Harry and Meghan eye UK return: Sussexes ‘may start living part-time’ claims Royal butler

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are reportedly considering a dual residency. A week ago, the Duke received a green light to appeal a legal challenge in the UK court over his and his family’s security, which was downgraded when he stopped being a working royal. 

Following this, reports have emerged stating that Harry is determined to seek a permanent home in his hometown. A former royal butler claims the couple may be considering a part-time residence back in the UK. 

Former royal butler Grant Harrold revealed in a new interview with the New York Post that he is hopeful for a royal reunion, suggesting that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex may be searching for a home in the U.K. "If Harry does buy a place in the U.K., he and Meghan will split their time between here and the States," he said. 

"That was the original plan." "I would assume this means Meghan would also come to the UK, and you'd see them spending many months of the year here," he continued, emphasising that the former Suits star is not in favour of permanently moving to the UK but is considering it to avoid staying in hotels every time they visit. 

Earlier, royal author and commentator Tom Quinn told the Mirror that the estranged royal member is missing some aspects of his old life in the UK, which makes him sad and miss his hometown even more. There is also an urge to let Archie and Lilibet know more about their roots and their cousins, referring to William and Kate’s kids. 

“Harry is determined to find his own permanent home in the UK, which is partly why he’s continuing his legal action to get the British taxpayer to pay for his security,” Quinn said earlier. Meanwhile, many insiders took Harry's security appeal as a clear indication of his strong desire to return to London.


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